Gallery Description
A Hymn to the Virgin 2010Ink, watercolor, gouache, and embroidery thread on paper17 ¾ x 13 ¾” (21 ½ x 17” framed)Inquire
Adoramus te 2013Ink, watercolor and gouache on paper10 ¾ x 7 ¼”Inquire
As poysonous mineralls (John Donne)2010Watercolor and ink on paperPrivate collection
Ave Maria 2012Watercolor, ink, gouache, and gel pen on paper11 ½ x 14 ¼” (16 ¾ x 19 ½” framed)Inquire
Confession 2007Watercolor and acrylic ink on paperPrivate collection
Crux fidelis 2009Watercolor and embroidery thread on paperPrivate collection
Deus misereatur / Psalm 67 2013Watercolor, ink and acrylic on paper16 ½ x 12 5/8”Inquire
Deus noster refugium (need caption)
Ecclesiasticus 44:1-15 2009Watercolor on paper17 3/8 x 24 1/8” (23 ¾ x 30 ¾” framed)Inquire
General Thanksgiving 2012Watercolor and ink on paperPrivate collection
Gloria in excelsis 2011Watercolor and ink on paper11 ½ x 22 ½”Inquire
God be in my head (Anonymous, 16th century)2001Watercolor and ink on paper13 ¼ x 13 ¼”Inquire
Hymn for the Church Militant (G. K. Chesterton)2010Watercolor, acrylic, and collaged paper10 ½ x 15 ½” (13 ½ x 18 ¾” framed)Inquire
Isaiah 60:1-6 2010Watercolor and ink on paper15 ¾ x 17” (19 5/8 x 20 7/8” framed)Inquire
Lenten prayer (from A Penitential Office for Ash Wednesday)2010Watercolor, ink, and white charcoal on paper8 ½ x 6 ½” (12 ¼ x 10 ¼” framed)Inquire
Matthew 5.13-17 2014Watercolor and gouache on collaged paper13 x 17 ½”Inquire
Miserere mei (need caption)
Nature (George Herbert)2010Watercolor, india ink, and collaged paperPrivate collection
Nicene creed 2007Watercolor on paper14 x 21 ½”NFS
No Coming to God without Christ (Robert Herrick)2010Watercolor, cloth and embroidery thread on paper14 ½ x 12 ½” framedInquire
O Deus, ego amo te / Kyrie eleison (Gerard Manley Hopkins)2013Watercolor and ink on paper11 x 11 3/8”Inquire
Our Father 2013Watercolor on paper10 5/8 x 12 5/8”Inquire
Padraig's Lorica 2012Watercolor and embroidery thread on paper14 1/2 x 34”NFS
Pater noster 2014Oil, gouache and watercolor on collaged paper16 5/8 x 18 ½”Inquire
Psalm 56 2012Watercolor and ink on paper11 ½ x 22 ½”Inquire
Psalm 69_1-4_13-17 2014Watercolor, gouache, and acrylic medium on collaged paper16 ½ x 28”Inquire
Psalm 84:1-7 2014Watercolor, ink, gouache, and graphite on collaged paper10 1/8 x 16 5/8”Inquire
Psalm 102 2011Watercolor, ribbon, and white charcoal on paper8 x 19” (11 ½ x 22 ¼” framed)NFS
Psalm 108.1-6 2008Watercolor, ink, gel pen, and collaged paper15 ¼ x 17” (20 ½ x 22 ½” framed)Inquire
Psalm 121 2014Watercolor, ink, and gouache on collaged paper13 ¼ x 15 ¼”Inquire
Psalm 150, Sanctus and Benedictus 2014Watercolor, gouache, and wire on collaged paper19 ½ x 21 ½”Inquire
Song of Simeon (need caption)
Tantum ergo / Isaiah 55:2 2014Watercolor, gouache, and embroidery thread on collaged paper12 x 16”Inquire
The First Song of Moses (George Wither)2013Watercolor and ink on paper16 ½ x 10 ½”Inquire
The Last Gospel 2013Watercolor and ink on paper13 x 13”Inquire
There is no rose 2013Watercolor, ink, gouache, and collaged paper10 x 11 ¾”Inquire
Thou art indeed just, Lord (Gerard Manley Hopkins)2010Watercolor, gouache, charcoal, pastel, and collaged paper15 ½ x 14 ½” (19 1/8 x 19 1/8” framed)Inquire
Thou hast made me (John Donne)2010Watercolor, gouache, and ink on paper9 ½ x 9 ½” (14 ¾ x 14 ¾” framed)Inquire
Ubi caritas (need caption)
Veni Sancte Spiritus 2014Watercolor, gouache, and ink on paperInquire
Veni, creator spiritus 2011Watercolor, embroidery thread, and collaged paper13 x 20 ½”Inquire